Helping to Make Mont Alto Affordable

我们知道家庭会仔细考虑他们所做投资的价值, and education is no exception. 欧博体育官网蒙阿尔托分校以与学生和家庭合作帮助满足他们的需求而自豪, from academics to student engagement and affordability. 

学生可能有资格获得经济援助计划,以减轻与完成大学学位相关的经济负担. There are many University-wide awards and scholarships, as well as Mont Alto-specific scholarships, that help make a Penn State Mont Alto education affordable. 事实上,高达87%的欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校的学生获得了某种形式的经济援助. During the 2020-21 academic year, Penn State Mont Alto awarded $572,114 out of its own endowments to 397 students. 除此之外,我们的学生还获得了其他全校范围的奖学金和奖励.

Young female graduate poses with her father at graduation

The Discover Penn State Award

这个新设立的奖项适用于来自与宾夕法尼亚州接壤的州的欧博体育官网学生, MD, OH, NJ, NY, and WV), as well as the District of Columbia and Virginia. Students from these states may be considered for an award of $6,000 in their freshman and sophomore years, and $7,000 in their junior and senior years. 从社区学院转到欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校读大三的学生可能会被考虑获得6美元的奖励,500 a year for three years to help them earn a bachelor’s degree. 发现奖将跟随学生到另一个英联邦校区,但不包括大学公园或世界校区. 即将到来的秋季入学学生的优先申请日期是11月30日.


Nittany Lion Shrine

Provost's Award

教务长奖是专门给宾夕法尼亚州居民的,奖金在5美元之间,000 (for freshmen and sophomores) and $7,000 (for juniors and seniors). 如果学生转到另一个联邦校园或大学公园,教务长奖将给予学生.

Chancellor Francis Achampong

The Chancellor Award

The Chancellor Award ranges between $1,000 and $6,000 with a preference for high-achieving, 家里第一个上大学的一年级学生.

Scholarship donors with student recipient

Mont Alto Endowed Scholarships

欧博体育官网蒙阿尔托分校有许多由慷慨捐赠者资助的奖学金. 捐赠者指定他们希望这些资金是用于指定专业的学生还是来自指定县的学生. 捐赠奖学金是学生不必偿还的教育基金. 获得奖学金的资格通常是基于成绩,在许多情况下是基于经济需要. The campus awarded scholarships totaling $572,在2020-2021学年,来自这些捐赠基金的114至397名学生. We have published an extensive list of Penn State Mont Alto scholarship opportunities for your information.


Yield Enhancement Awards

有多个大学选择的成绩优异的学生可能会被考虑获得Yield Enhancement Award,以帮助宾州州立大学蒙奥图分校成为一个更具吸引力的选择.

Student veteran at Penn State Mont Alto


Complete Penn State


Veterans' Benefits

Penn State Mont Alto values its veteran students. We have published a whole page dedicated to explaining Veterans’ benefits in the Veterans' Services section of our website.

Hardship Fund

欧博体育官网蒙阿尔托分校也有一个困难基金,可能会提供一般, 为面临经济困难的学生提供非学费援助,否则可能会影响他们的教育. It helps students facing a crisis to stay on track academically. 学生可以与学生援助办公室讨论需求和可用性.

Housing Awards

获得匹兹堡承诺奖学金的匹兹堡学生将获得1美元的奖学金,000 housing award per semester.

Childcare Subsidy

Eligible full-time, 攻读学位的学生家长可以获得75%的高质量托儿补贴. 有用的欧博官网app下载和这个项目的申请可以在网上找到.

Nittany Lion studies using textbooks

Open and Affordable Educational Resources at Mont Alto

Nationwide, textbook costs have been climbing, 然而,蒙特奥拓学院的教职员工一直在寻求通过使用开放教育资源来降低学生的这些成本. Currently, 在校园的二十多个课程中,学生可以免费获得公开许可的教育资源,而不是传统的教科书. These include instructor created content, free online textbooks, and collections of freely available materials. Additionally, 学生可以通过大学图书馆获得许多免费电子书, 欧博体育官网书店为学生提供了实惠的选择.

A female student helps stock the Lion's Pantry

Lion’s Pantry at Mont Alto

国家研究表明,学生们有时会因为经济困难而不吃饭, and that food insecurity can negatively impact student success. 确保学生的成功不受食品不安全的影响, 宾州州立大学蒙奥图分校在一位慷慨的捐助者的财政支持下建立了狮子的食品储藏室. 学生可以自由地从食品储藏室拿走他们需要的东西,而不会被问任何问题.

A female staff member helps students choose career attire

Mont Alto Career Closet

想象一下,一个家庭为了供一个学生上大学而做出牺牲,却无法为实习或工作面试提供职业装. That is exactly what Mont Alto’s Career Closet is for. 里面摆满了11/30俱乐部捐赠的二手衣服和配饰, which is made up of young professionals in Franklin County. 教职员工志愿者为学生提供时尚建议,帮助他们为实习和面试挑选合适的服装. What’s more, students don’t have to return what they pick. They get to keep it.

Students get help in the computer lab


我知道许多家庭对如何支付大学学费感到焦虑, Penn State's Financial Literacy site 提供丰富的欧博官网app下载,涵盖从储蓄到预算到贷款偿还策略的所有内容. 该网站提供不同的学习模块,甚至还有一个将校友与学生联系起来的指导项目.

Penn State Mont Alto's Tuition and Financial Aid page 它汇集了未来或现在的学生需要知道的关于支付教育费用以及联系谁寻求帮助的所有欧博官网app下载.

Helpful Penn State Mont Alto staff

Want more information?

For more information about these awards, scholarships, and services, please contact our Admissions staff.